Sunday, April 26, 2009

Summer Begins!

Hey Everybody! Ohh, how I miss you all. Andrea, that email you sent out about the P10 vacation got me so excited. Also, I absolutely loved the excel spreadsheet... haha, so organzied and wonderful! Thanks for all your hard work on that. I thought I should send out an update to keep this blog going. I haven't done one in about.. forever. So - I am all done my first year of university! It went by so fast... it was an amazing year and I enjoyed almost every moment of it. Dorm life got to be old by the end of it, yet once the end was there I got very nostalgic. Having everybody there in one place was amazing... life was one big social gathering! However, I am also so excited for next September, as I am living with five amazing people. We have an adorable little house... we're so excited to paint, and decorate, and barbeque, and do all those wonderful housewarming things. As for now, I'm home for the summer, and very glad to be! I'm working in the proshop at Deer Creek, a golf course that's pretty close to here. I really like it. I have a great boss and the people are all so friendly. Golfers are in very good moods when they come into the proshop, so it's a nice, happy, social place to work. I'm getting to know all the regulars... it's fun! I have a few people waiting for me to get them free golf... mostly my boyfriend Luke. However, Lydia is also waiting for me to get her some discounts at the Keg - it's a steakhouse restaurant. I worked there last year, and might give them a call. I have yet to do that.. I've been getting a ton of shifts at the golf course so it's kind of optional, but we'll see. I hope you all are doing well... humour me and give everybody an update! I love you all, em p.s. here's a picture of me in my dorm room - how I loved the place. :)

1 comment:

  1. Loved, loved, loved the update Em! Just when you might feel as though there is nothing much to update everyone on, everything is new to us!
    Thanks girlie!
